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La cattura della CO2 sbarca sui social. TikTok vuole "aspirare" 5.100 tonnellate in 5 anni

The new TIDE regulation explained

R for Rectiformer

Robots taking care of power line maintenance

Because cyber security is first and foremost a cultural issue

Science, but also good habits have given people 20-30 more years of life

Why we need to talk about the gender pay gap

In San Francisco, Italian startups come together to tackle the challenges of the twin transition

COP29: financial promises, yet no decisive action in tackling emissions or reducing reliance on fossil fuels. All eyes are now on Belém

Refugee women: when energy transition means emancipation

Electricity increasingly pivotal in the global energy system

Electric pumping plants: the British project to reach the ‘net zero’ passes through the legendary Loch Ness

Renewable Rhythms

C for Cold ironing

Half a year, wholly sustainable

Sustainability and innovation for a just transition. A talk with Francesco Salerni

The state of health of Italian glaciers

The 'underwater’ domain: the new global race is played out in the ocean depths

Twin transition driven by empowerment, experience and excellence. A talk with Daniele Amati

Systems research inspires technological innovation, for the energy of the future: a conversation with Franco Cotana