
The most innovative projects and the challenges of the energy transition, inside and outside Terna. This section is about technological innovation and managing the electricity system.

results (39) Most recent
Systems research inspires technological innovation, for the energy of the future: a conversation with Franco Cotana

The Idea Factory: home-grown innovation

A bridge between Italy and Silicon Valley for the most innovative startups

An antenna in Silicon Valley for the grid of the future

Open Innovation "fever" in Silicon Valley. Discussed by Alberto Onetti

Data science to support the grid

When innovation chimes with culture. A talk with Massimiliano Garri

What if we turned cybersecurity into a game?

Cybersecurity: why is everybody talking about it?

Working “smart” is a challenge. An talk with Emilia Rio

Building: innovation using rice

Cyber security is all about “digital antibodies”

Data girls to face up and win the energy efficiency challenge

Texas knocked out cold: could it ever happen in Italy?

When innovation becomes a system. A talk with Massimiliano Garri

Drones, robots, augmented reality: the future of the grid is already here

Sustainable Materials Hackathon: the materials of the future

#IoT4TheGrid: new frontiers for the Internet of Things

Next Energy 4: the startup Nemesys wins

"R" as Resilience