Global geopolitical tensions have exposed the fragility of the global energy system, creating a pressing need to accelerate the energy transition away from fossil fuels and towards secure, sustainable sources. This is the core message of the World Energy Outlook 2024, published by the International Energy Agency (IEA), a body that analyses global market trends and the impact of geopolitical developments and climate change on the energy sector.
The report predicts that the energy market in the coming years will see an increase in the supply of oil and natural gas, which could lead to lower prices and an easing of pressure on consumers. However, the increased availability of fossil fuels ought to be seen as an opportunity to drive the energy transition forward, with downgraded subsidies for the most polluting sources and higher investment in green technologies. Furthermore, fossil fuels have associated costs and risks that make them increasingly unattractive as energy sources, as they have been used for geopolitical leverage in recent years, with direct consequences on prices.