
Sustainability, the territory and the environment are the focus in this section, dedicated to climate change and the international decarbonisation goals in a profoundly evolving situation.

results (79) Most recent
La cattura della CO2 sbarca sui social. TikTok vuole "aspirare" 5.100 tonnellate in 5 anni

Why we need to talk about the gender pay gap

Electric pumping plants: the British project to reach the ‘net zero’ passes through the legendary Loch Ness

The state of health of Italian glaciers

The 'underwater’ domain: the new global race is played out in the ocean depths

It's time we got used to hailstorms

Italy has adopted the National Biodiversity Strategy 2030

Artificial island will fully exploit renewable energy

Will the world’s governments allow seabeds to be mined for minerals?

Switzerland must achieve carbon neutrality by 2050, by law

The Po Valley is the most polluted region in Western Europe says the European Environment Agency

Plastic, why it's important to know where it ends up

Latest UN Climate Report says «we must act now»

Fewer and fewer snow days in the Alps

According to the World Economic Forum, the climate crisis is still underestimated

Animals will also be affected by the consequences of climate change

COP27: instructions for use

The hottest summer ever recorded in Europe

NORA, The new Terna podcast for Tyrrhenian Lab

Climate change: "adapting" is easier said than done