The Lombardy region leads the tables in terms of energy consumption. The largest region in the North ranks first in the Italian tables of electricity consumption, at 67.4 billion Kwh, more than double than the runner-up Veneto, standing at 31 billion. The bronze medal on the other hand goes to Emilia Romagna, at 28.4 billion, with the Piedmont region falling just short of a podium position (24.4 billion).
This emerges from Terna’s 2018 regional statistics, the last year when complete and comparable data is available. This wealth of data accumulated by Italy’s national transmission grid operator provides an “X-ray overview” of how and where energy was produced, and how it can be matched up with the demand coming from consumers, whether they are industries, households, farmers, small or larger businesses in the tertiary sector. An identikit of consumption by Italians emerges that demands our attention.