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If quality, sustainability and convenience play in unison

Stories of Terna/ Nicola Di Pietro, “Project Delivery” manager at Terna Energy Solutions.

Terna’s responsibility is not limited to transmission grids. For some time now it has put its skills and its experience to the service of the ecological transition of our country. With this objective, in keeping with the company’s core business, Terna Energy Solutions, the group company that offers clients innovative and leading-edge solutions, was founded already in 2018 to seize opportunities and value in the profound transformation in progress. «Moving in a highly competitive market we have a vast range of products and services that manage to support clients from design to construction, to maintenance of solutions, capitalising the opportunities offered by the new energy economy», the Project Delivery manager Nicola Di Pietro tells us.

The products and services range from the world of energy to that of telecommunications, but the focus is always on sustainability. Di Pietro is one of the "conductors" of Terna Energy Solutions. He joined the company 17 years ago as an electrical engineer, and has played different roles with increasing responsibility both in National Transmission Grid, coordinating working and mantainance activities on HV power lines and power stations, and in non-regulated activities, always showing familiarity, resourcefulness and ability to get involved. In 2016 he took part in the launch of the project which developed up to the incorporation of the current Terna Energy Solutions.

Nicola Di Pietro, “Project Delivery” manager at Terna Energy Solutions (photo by Terna)

Responsible for the delivery of the projects, he can make use of a team of four project managers: electrical, civil and telecommunication engineers, with different working backgrouds, diversified specific knowledge and various skills. This transversality «for me is a value, it enriches us and gives us the possibility of drawing upon decidedly different stimuli and skills» says Nicola who, in fact, precisely like the conductor of an orchestra, coordinates projects' implemantation maintaining a constant balance between quality, execution times and economic results.

There are many different sustainable solutions that Terna Energy Solutions offers to companies. Thanks to his experience in the field and to his profound knowledge of Terna’s business, the engineer can list the main fields of application. «The characteristic of this group company’s offer is precisely that of operating limitations-free on specific products starting from markets demand, working alongside clients and stakeholders to find competitive and technologically advanced, very flexible solutions, which can support them in the transition from a traditional business model to an organisation that looks to the future, energically efficient at low environmental impact, in line with the objectives of the ecological transition».

A heat-recovery or "CHP" cogenerator used by the "energy-intensive" client Tratos Cavi in Arezzo (photo by Terna)

«The briefest and most realistic way of presenting what we do, in the context of the energy transition, is to describe the three main segments we operate in. First of all – taking into account that high-voltage infrastructures are historically part of our company’s DNA – we renovate and build transformation stations and high- and medium-voltage power lines for producers or users who need to connect to the National Transmission Grid. Secondly, the more innovative and multifaceted smart grid segment, within which, depending on the subject we dialogue with, we can offer sustainable and technologically advanced solutions, such as renewable (photovoltaic) energy production plants, e-mobility systems, heat recovery cogeneration plants, electrochemical storage as well as the various applications of power electronics in the power quality field, all of them aiming at pursuing energy efficiency in the various scenarios. Finally, we have strong commitment to certain fronts of the telecommunications sector, sometimes in synergy with existing infrastructures. All of this while always supporting the customer even in the operational phase with appropriate guarantee and maintenance services».

«I’m proud of being part of a company that is the energy director of our country, a company that leverages technological innovation to guide the entire system towards increasingly green and sustainable choices».

It is evident that Terna Energy Solutions operates in a transversal way with respect to the needs directly or indirectly connected to the ecological transition of which we are promoters. Having the know-how to follow the whole value chain of the various initiatives, it is capable of guiding its stakeholders from the conception, to the development stage, up to the technical assessments and engineering of the solutions, assessing their economic, engineering and financial feasibility.

«In particular, the "client-oriented" perspective of Terna Energy Solutions makes it possible to put in place a made-to-measure advisory approach, with the objective of identifying the most effective, reliable and economically convenient solution. A symphony of quality and sustainability, a catchy tune for everyone: businesses, citizens and communities».

In seventeen years at Terna Nicola Di Pietro has really lived through many of the changes in the energy world. What is striking however is the clarity with which he has taken on board the corporate purpose. What continues to inspire his work, he explains, is «the pride in being part of a company that is the energy director of our country, a company that leverages technological innovation to guide the entire system towards increasingly green and sustainable choices».