The financial position of a company is not just an indication of the economic value of its activities, but also gives important indications regarding guidelines for its leadership and future decisions.
From both of these points of view, the figures from the Shareholders’ Meeting called to approve the results for 2018 look extremely positive. Growing figures represent the basis for the new 2019-2023 Strategic Plan: a sharp acceleration in investments for expanding infrastructures in Italy.
The positive trend is closely related to Terna’s ability to take on the challenges of the energy system, such as those related to energy transition. Challenges which are created by the need to change the business model with which large economies satisfy the demand for goods and services from the world’s growing population. Over the last few decades, this model has given rise to the unsustainable consumption of natural resources and environmental damage affecting the earth, seas and air, which manifests itself through global warming and a decline in biodiversity as well as its social consequences.