In phase two of the Covid-19 emergency, 32-year-old Iacopo Latino, from Terna’s Technical Team in the Florence Plant Unit is back in the office. Specialised in the operational activities involved in electricity transmission, during lockdown he has also been a remote tutor for colleagues working at substations. “I mainly deal with the operation and maintenance of electrical systems as operational technical personnel,” he says. In practice, Latino and his colleagues from the office are organise and monitor the activities of the team in the field for maintenance and checks.
“We are in daily contact with our colleagues on the ground: in the morning, when we brief them on the tasks of the day, but also to involve them in more complex activities and for the drafting of documents and work plans. It’s a team effort”.
With the beginning of the Coronavirus emergency things are obviously somewhat different, especially in terms of everyday life. “Our most complex works and detailed checks have stopped. All the maintenance work that we were able to do without serious interventions and activities has gone ahead,” he says. “Between March and April, us technicians have formed two teams and alternated between working in the office and working from home. The on-site support for the operations team has been there as always, and we were available 24/7 every other week, even from home, in case of need”.