Sustainability, fight against climate change, environmental impact. These are themes that have become fundamental in recent years, but often shadowed by a veil of vagueness. Yet, as demonstrated by the work carried out by Terna, the fight against climate change needs concreteness, rigour and transparency. Quantifying the impact of the proposed actions, but also by trying to play the long game, with long-term investments. We talked to Annalisa Corrado, environmentalist, author of successful books such as "Le ragazze salveranno il mondo" (People Storie, 2020) and advisor to Alessandro Gassman in "Io e i Green Heroes" (Piemme, 2022). Corrado, a mechanical engineer, worked closely with the operator of the national electricity transmission grid in an initiative on NexTerna’s environmental KPIs, that AzzeroCO2 followed together with the group's sustainability team NexTerna is a project which aims to foster a new working culture and new leadership models.
Over the past two years, the fight against climate change has returned to the centre of world agendas, as if the pandemic had helped us to understand the importance of this issue. It is no coincidence that the energy and ecological transition are at the heart of the Next Generation EU and the "Green New Deal". So where are we with the fight against climate change?
«Since the start of the pandemic, correlations have been discovered between the spillover of the virus and the destruction of primary ecosystems, the aggressiveness of the prevailing economic model and pollution. This has attracted the attention of governments and public opinion to the environment. The "Friday For Future" movement and the fact that the Apec Climate Center has clearly stated that climate change is now almost irreversible also had an effect. A new sensibility was born that also involved politics. This can be seen in the European Union’s latest decisions, from the "Fit for 55" to the "Green New Deal", passing to the constraints imposed on individual states to obtain funds from the Next Generation EU. All tools that at least initially seemed to be able to bring about a turning point. But then came the reaction of those who benefit from maintaining the status quo, there have been attempts at greenwashing and at passing off some sources as useful for the transition when in reality they are not, so much so that even the European taxonomy has expanded greatly. Let's say that today there is still a lack of courage when it comes to translating goals into radical choices».