
“D” as in Dispatching

Dispatching is the set of activities required to ensure, within the Italian electricity system, that the energy required by consumers (households and companies) stays in balance with the supply, i.e. the energy produced. In order for the system to function correctly, central coordination is needed; this is represented by dispatching, which is able to control the various factors involved, with regards to both production and demand.

Dispatching is the set of activities required to ensure, within the Italian electricity system, that the energy required by consumers (households and companies) stays in balance with the supply, i.e. the energy produced. In order for the system to function correctly, central coordination is needed; this is represented by dispatching, which is able to control the various factors involved, with regards to both production and demand. This role, which involves managing energy flows on the Italian electricity grid, is Terna’s responsibility; Terna ensures 365 days a year, 24 hours a day, a supply of energy onto the grid which is always equal to demand, i.e. electricity consumption.

Dispatching includes:

- planning grid unavailability and production plants with different time horizons;

- forecasting national electricity requirements;

- comparing consistency between requirements and the production programme, determined as a result of the free energy market (the Italian Power Exchange and contracts outside the Exchange);

- the acquisition of dispatching resources through the Dispatching Services Market (MSD);

- checking power transits for all of the lines in the grid.

Terna's national control centre (photo by Terna)

Specifically, the Italian electricity system is controlled in real-time via the national control centre, the nerve centre of the Italian electricity system which coordinates other centres in the area, monitors the system and carries out dispatching activities via interventions and orders to producers and remote control centres, in order to influence grid supply and layout. To prevent risks of extensive blackouts, it can also intervene to reduce demand in emergencies.


The transition towards a system of “diffused production” from renewable sources is rapidly modifying the market with the affirmation of a prosumer (producer and consumer together) model, gradually replacing the traditional consumer, and with the consequent exponential growth of the active resources connected to the grid. In this context, it is increasingly challenging to maintain the complete observability of the resources—both as regards inputs and as regards withdrawals of energy—with an impact on demand forecasts and, consequently, on the correct management of the generation resources. For this, Terna uses cutting edge forecasting and planning tools, as well as procurement of new flexibility resources and innovative data management & analytics solutions.