Energy transformation, evolution of corporate and institutional communication, new challenges for journalism. These are the topics that formed the heart of the “Transizione, comunicazione, informazione” (Transition, communication, information) convention in Rome, organised by the newspaper Staffetta Quotidiana, which brought together some of Italy’s leading figures in the field of energy-related communication: Marco Bardazzi (Eni), Claudio Velardi (Ottimisti&Razionali), Gian Luca Spitella (Arera), Cristina Corazza (Enea) and Luca Torchia (Terna).

Energy transformation, evolution of corporate and institutional communication, new challenges for journalism.

Debate centred around the enormous challenges of climate change and energy transition. The speakers emphasised how important it is for companies to produce high-quality content regarding the on-going changes in energy. According to the experts, corporate communication must provide answers, decode messages linked to the topic of the transition, and supply stakeholders with tools for decision-making and evaluation.

“We are experiencing an energy transition which has certain features that make it unique”, said Luca Torchia, Head of External Relations and Sustainability, during his statement from the panel. “It is an extremely rapid and systemic transition. It requires many stakeholders, working together, to take a range of actions. It is essential to change the paradigm for communication as well as relationships with communities. Terna has radically altered the way in which it interacts with territories, creating added value for its corporate strategy. Our model of “participatory planning” and stakeholder engagement involves social and corporate discussion workshops, in order to work together with the territory to produce innovative, shared solutions”.
Our model of “participatory planning” and stakeholder engagement involves social and corporate discussion workshops, in order to work together with the territory to produce innovative, shared solutions.
Luca Torchia, Head of External Relations and Sustainability for Terna