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Within its policies to prevent and combat corruption, since 2015 Terna has published “Open, Transparent Works” a web space available to citizens and businesses with all the information on construction sites and works in progress.

The latest Transparency International Corruption Perception Index (CPI) sees Italy relegated to 53rd position globally. Corruption is still a widespread problem in Italy, above all in the context of major works, at the level of contracts and construction sites. Within its policies to prevent and combat corruption, since 2015 Terna has published “Open, Transparent Works” a web space available to citizens and businesses with all the information on construction sites and works in progress.

631 construction sites, 310 works, 1,043 contracts and 660 suppliers, including contractors and subcontractors: these are last year's figures for activity on the website, where an interactive map of Italy accompanies the user through all the work in progress in each region with details of all the investments that Terna has made (€ 6.2 billion under the latest business plan 2019-2023).

Today there are 249 active Terna construction sites in Italy, covering all regions of the country (photo: Terna)

This is a cutting-edge tool (the first of its kind for a private company), which has become increasingly interactive over the years, with constant updating of thousands of data items from construction sites and complete traceability of the entire procurement chain.

Today there are 249 active Terna construction sites in Italy, covering all regions of the country. On the site, it is possible to check the progress of the works, their location, the number of companies that participated in the tender and the names of the contractors to whom the works were assigned.

Terna is committed every day to providing complete data on all areas of the works (Pexels.com/Anamul Rezwan)

Multiple searches can be performed by region, construction site, line, building, cable or electrical substation, with further information provided about the type and number of tenders and subcontracts and their relative economic value. Users can also navigate by individual field: by contract, company, type of works, type of construction site, contractors and subcontractors, with even more economic details subdivided by project, contract and region.

This digital tool for the fight against corruption on construction sites, which has obtained anti-corruption certification 37001, is the result of theTerna's commitment to ensuring greater security for businesses and communities with the important contribution of all the technicians working across the country.