Terna has been included on the Bloomberg Gender Equality Index (GEI), the index used to measure transparency and business performance in terms of gender equality. With a score of 69.1/100, in its first year of completing the survey conducted by Bloomberg L.P., the company was particularly praised for the composition of its Board of Directors, its compensation structure, its parental leave policies and its training programmes.

The company is one of the 230 worldwide contributing to the creation of a more equal and inclusive working environment.
Taking part in the analysis for the first time, Terna exceeded the performance threshold for inclusion on the list of the top companies for gender equality. The 2019 list includes 230 companies out of the 9,000 companies considered. The index has recorded strong growth: last year only 104 companies made the list. Bloomberg's rating system recognises the constant commitment to correct reporting and data disclosure practices. “Inclusion in this international index makes us very proud and reflects the importance and attention the company places on gender equality, implementing concrete and meaningful actions for all employees”, stated Silvia Marinari, Head of Human Resources. "Investing in workers is the foundation of sustainability and we are implementing this with our growing commitment to responsibility", continued Marinari underlining the importance of welfare and people care programmes. These programmes have enabled us to introduce multiple initiatives in order to meet the needs and requirements of workers and their families.

"We would like to congratulate Terna and the other 229 companies included on the list for their commitment to assessing gender equality according to the GEI guidelines," commented Peter T. Grauer, Chairman of Bloomberg.
"Terna’s inclusion in the GEI is a key indicator for employees, investors and stakeholders, confirming the efforts made by the company to create an increasingly inclusive working environment".
According to the ratings agency, the operator of the Italian national electricity grid constantly considers the main gender equality indicators, in line with the standards of the GRI - Global Reporting Initiative. The principle managerial indicators, chosen by Terna to monitor the fair and equal treatment of men and women, indicate that the company’s management and development systems do not disadvantage women or cause significant disparities.
The number of women in business is on the rise. Although the vast majority of employees are men, the number of women in the company, including in technical roles, is growing. The proportion of women out of total employees in Italy was 9.0% at the end of 2005 (the year that Terna assumed full managerial autonomy) and has risen steadily to reach 12.3% at the end of 2017. In the same year, 24.1% of new hires were women (20.2% in 2016). Furthermore, the proportion of female managers out of total managers (17.5%) in 2017 was greater than the proportion of women out of total employees (17.4%).