Some partnerships between companies with similar backgrounds arise naturally. Such is the case with Terna-Avvenia.

When common interests meet in two leading realities.

The goal? To improve the energy efficiency of industrial and commercial activities through careful analysis of the production processes.
Industrial operations are, in fact, one of the major sources of consumption due to the high demand for energy in numerous production sectors.
Much of this energy is all too often wasted due to wrong practices, unsuitable materials and structures and suboptimal processes in large, small and medium-sized enterprises.
The key areas of intervention are twofold and respond to a variety of requirements; on the one hand there is a need for improvement in productivity and competitiveness, so the company can either produce at a lower cost or produce more at the same cost. And on the other hand there is a need to make it consume less, waste less energy and therefore pollute less, with a view to safeguarding the environment and reducing polluting emissions.
Avvenia supplies companies with a complete diagnosis of its energy consumption through its production activities, with indications of the monitoring and intervention tools it uses in order to allow the company to take action on its internal processes and increase its production.
This energy diagnosis includes a series of essential services aimed at improving performance: Avvenia identifies, among other things, the energy expenditure of each individual product and compares it with the best market standards. It then carries out a cost-benefit analysis of the improvement operations, designs both managerial and technological interventions, identifies malfunctions and plans interventions for predictive maintenance.

These important activities have made Avvenia a leader in innovation solutions for increasing the efficiency of energy consumption, laying the groundwork for a natural union with Terna's activities, particularly in the context of the service offered to customers. A company that knows the market joining forces with a transmission networks operator with a central role in energy transition is surely the best partner for anyone looking to understand the methods and technologies needed to improve its production process.
The acquisition of Avvenia, finalised in 2017, has allowed Terna to broaden its integrated energy solutions offering on the market, positioning itself as an Energy Solution Provider capable of providing services with high added value for companies targeting energy transition. Avvenia, in turn, has strengthened its know-how in a group that now boasts increasingly diverse and integrated levels of skills and experience.